Lent by Penelope Snider

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Some Lenten Thoughts… Growing up, I looked at Lent as simply a time to give something up to prepare for Easter and remember Christ’s sacrifice. Some years, we were meatless on Fridays. Some years, I gave up candy or some … Continued

Why a Bike by Kelsey Kimmelman

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Relationships Biking is a unique way to travel 50 miles every day and an unusual aspect of a Christian ministry. This part of Spoke Folk gives us opportunity to start conversations with people about our ministry and our faith. As … Continued

Acts of Kindness by Allie Veil

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1 Thessalonians 5:11 Encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. This year I started doing a daily devotional called “Daily Acts of Kindness”. It has been encouraging, insightful and challenging. The one thing … Continued

Words Matter by Kelsey Kimmelman

posted in: Devotional | 1

As my second Spoke Folk tour was about to get started, many of us were gathered in the church basement. We were playing games, catching up with friends from previous tours, and beginning relationships with new people while we waited … Continued