July 18-29, 2018

Emily Angrisano
Caroline Bing
Savannah Carlton
Daniela (Dani) Colon
Heather Dennis
Dillon Gall
Taylor Gall
Emma Griffin
Cutter Hale
Abbigayle (Abby) Johns
Austin Johnson
Christian Kinsey
Samuel (Tom) Klovstad
Carli Lewis
Connor Lewis
Bryan Malcolm
Zachary (Zach) Malcom
Wyatt Murdock
Brian Oviedo
Hannah Perkins
Allison (Allie) Pettis
Drew Roach
Abigail (Abby) Schiwitz
Charles (Chachi) Segale
Maegan (Maegs) Segale
Brian Smith
Charlotte (Charlie) Stevens
Josie Wade
Taylor Wedding
Alyssa Embry

Aubrey Baker
Jeremy Becker
Haley Edwards
John (Johnny) Lewis
John Lore
BriAnna Sanders
Mark Schaefer **Tour Director
Christine (Silvestri) Teske
Matthew (Matt) Teske
Slater Ward

JULY 18-22: Home Church

Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church
7691 S University Blvd., Centennial, CO 80122
Phone: (303) 798-0711
Contact: Molly Poppe

JULY 22-23

St. John’s – Washington Park
700 S. Franklin St., Denver, CO 80209
Phone: 303-733-3777
Contact: Matt Walton

PROGRAM: July 22 / Time: 7PM

JULY 23-24

Epiphany Lutheran
550 E. Wolfensberger Rd, Castle Rock, CO 80109
Phone: (303) 688-4435
Contact: Karin Meissner

PROGRAM: July 23 / Time: 7PM

JULY 24-25

Bethel Lutheran
4925 Farmingdale Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80917
Phone: (719) 570-9800
Contact: Pastor Dave

PROGRAM: July 24 / Time: 7PM

JULY 25-26

Holy Cross Lutheran Church
4125 Constitution Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Phone: (719) 596-0661
Contact: Kevin Mahon

PROGRAM: July 25 / Time: 7PM

JULY 26-27

St. Phillip Lutheran Church
7531 S Kendall Blvd, Littleton, CO 80128
Phone (303) 979-4491
Contact: Linda Goodnough

PROGRAM: July 26 / Time: 7PM

JULY 27-28

No Program

JULY 28-29: Home Church

Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church
7691 S University Blvd., Centennial, CO 80122
Phone: (303) 798-0711
Contact: Molly Poppe

PROGRAM: July 29 / Time: 9:30AM